On This Day in History - Pastello Plug-In is a style that can be used to print greeting cards.
The program On This Day in History allows to print greeting cards for birthdays, wedding days, christening dates or other occasions. The program will include the name of the person you want to congratulate, and some details about the date he or she is celebrating, like historical events that took place on that date, famous people born in the same day, the sporting winners for that year, who were in the government in the US, UK and USSR, the cost of living, etc. You can choose to use the included styles, or download more styles from the author´s webpage.
The Pastello Plug-In is a downloadable style that you can use with your copy of On This Day in History. You will be able to download it even with the seven day trial version of the program, at no cost. It has a pastel background, and includes gifts, balloons, golden stars and confetti in all the available styles that you can choose from. The program is not free, but this plug-in has no charge. The only way to get the plug-in is downloading and installing On This Day in History.